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Organization: the World  //  Type: Independent  //  Industry: Travel, Food, Wanderlust

Project description: this is a small selection of photographs taken purely for my own enjoyment, during my recent trips to Taiwan and Laos. Growing up overseas meant that travel was always an integral part of my life; now that I have a much stronger appreciation for the amazing sights I saw as a child, I really enjoy capturing my favorite moments and places from my trips.

I.I.N.E. Identity Designs

Organization: I.I.N.E  //  Type: Non-profit  //  Mission: Creating opportunities for refugees and immigrants

Project description: Right after I graduated from college, I volunteered at the International Institute of New England, providing design and marketing to immigrants and low-income entrepreneurs. These designs represent some of my first professional pieces, and while they may not be quite up to my current standards, I'm very proud of the work I did at the Institute and am truly grateful for the experience. Given that my professional work since that time has focused more on marketing and less on identity design, I figured I could get away with this little dash of nostalgia. Below are a few examples of business cards and letterhead templates I designed for I.I.N.E. clients.

(Original identities – Girasole, 88 Asian Antiques // Developed identities – Lady Dye Yarns)

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